Raise Your Hand

Raise Your Hand


Can an 11-year-old make a difference? Absolutely! Alice Paul Tapper noticed that the boys were participating more than girls in class and decided to do something about it.

Download Our Reading Guide and Share With Your Child:

  • 4 conversation starters about failure, courage & risk taking

  • 1 Girl Scout-inspired recipe

  • Recommendations for 3 similar books

  • A creative writing prompt

About Raise Your Hand:

Once, in class, Alice Paul Tapper got the wrong answer. She was so embarrassed, she stopped raising her hand. Then, she noticed that the boys were participating more than girls in class.

She decided to do something about it and discussed it with her Girl Scout troop. She wrote an Op-Ed to the newspaper, created an official Girl Scout badge to encourage girls to participate in class more and wrote this book. This book is a must- read for all kids about confidence, bravery and risk-tasking.

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