Great Big Book of Families
Great Big Book of Families
Explore the ins and outs of families around the world. Connect over
Similarities and differences between your family & the rest of the world
A finger painting family tree project
An interactive creative writing exercise
We learn about different families and their lives. There are families with two parents and some with one. There are families many children and families with one. There are blended families with step-siblings and step-parents.
We see how these different families live (apartments, flats, houses and some are in-between homes). Some families send kids to learn at school and some learn at home. We see how different families celebrate festivals (Hanukah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, Eid and Christmas).
Is there a family that looks like yours? Different? This is a great starter book to learn about inclusivity and diversity.
This book is recommended for kids 4-5.
This is a digital product. Nothing will be mailed.